'Quality' decision making without peer pressure using Picap
Christmas came early last week. Got to admit that we became embroiled in Quality Street-gate with forceful opinions expressed about which choc should have been replaced.
The trouble was that peer pressure swayed some, and anecdotes through rose tinted spectacles blurred others, into thinking that another choc should've been booted first.
Out came the first choc box of the season with a bit of tinkering with the Picap.
Soon we had a set up to give a truly anonymous and representative taste test and decision.
Must be noted that we'd started with a healthier option for a blind taste test of tomatoes from a plant grown and sold by Ganton School in Hull, and another from a well known supermarket chain. The data confirmed our hunch - the school tomatoes were far more tasty :)
For both trials we used the simple touch Python script that allowed us to collect data showing which electrodes had been touched and released.
And the verdict?
The data suggests that the orange creme should've been ditched before the toffee choc. In our humble opinion of course.