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Introducing Claire

I have a love-hate relationship with technology. However, with over 20 years of observations with digitality as a senior teacher, creative technologist and STEM programme manager, I’m interested in the human relationships with ever-increasingly hidden technology today.


Starting as a Technology teacher, the drive for inclusivity took me down a path to becoming a SENCO and senior leader in an 11-18 setting in Leeds, later pivoting to a national role focused on teacher professional development programmes with Computing, Maker Education and Ed Tech. During that time as a part-time research assistant on a sabbatical, it ignited a passion for research about maker education in schools. It helped me fill in the blanks through philosophical underpinning. 


In 2017 I launched the Foundation for Digital Creativity with a colleague and friend who encouraged me to pursue my dream of becoming a researcher. So now I’m living that dream of doing what I love, both in terms of development and contribution through academic research and working with teachers, children, young people and adults in the formal and informal education sectors.


Current and completed digital-making programmes and activities include thingQbator ManchesterConnected Hull, the @JamPackedUK tour and opening the door for the Raspberry Jam community in Leeds.

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